Jack of Many Computer Skills

My Skills

Below is a list and description of the computer skills that I have obtained since working in the field.


While both in school and freelance work. I have learned a lot about this language from building forms to basic skills.


While still working with this language I have a fast knowledge from basic skills to using SASS.


This is the language I believe I excelled the most in. I am more confident in this language than most.


While in school and out of school I have excelled in this language. I have done most from form validation to create an email to send out.


In school we learned the basics of Wordpress. I have taken that a step farther and created the site you are on out of Wordpress using a scratch built theme.


This application has worked very closely with what I do. It has allowed me to design the website the way that I want it to.

Responsive Designer

Since learning in school and on my own. I make sure all websites and applications created work across major devices.


My knowledge with GIT grows daily. I use this to upload, download or clone files from repositories. Click on image to view my GIT.


While working in the IT field in my current and previous roles I have gained a strong communication skills in able to connect and work with everyone.